Teacher and Principal Evaluation at Coulee-Hartline School District

What is the Teacher/Principal Evaluation Pilot?

The New Teacher/Principal Evaluation that will has Statewide implementation starting during the 2013/14 school year, was born out of Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill 6696 during the 2010 legislative session. The evaluation provisions in the bill were part of a larger reform effort made during Washington’s Race to the Top application. The bill  moved the state from a two-tiered system of unsatisfactory to a four-tiered evaluation system. In addition to moving to a four-tiered system, the legislation created eight new criteria for teachers and principals to be evaluated upon, with common themes tying the criteria for teachers and principals together. E2SSB 6696 also created a Teacher/Principal Evaluation Pilot Steering Committee made up of representatives from the following organizations:

  • OSPI
  • Governor’s office
  • Washington Education Association
  • Association of Washington School Principals
  • Washington Association of School Administrators
  • Washington State Parent Teacher Association
  • Washington State School Directors’ Association (added in May 2011, added later through ESSB 5895)

TPEP Core Principles

  • Quality teaching and leading is critically important.
  • Professional learning is a key component of an effective evaluation system.
  • Teaching and leading is work done by a core team of professionals.
  • Evaluation systems should reflect and address the career continuum.
  • An evaluation system should consider and balance “inputs or acts” with “outputs or results.”
  • Teacher and principal evaluation models should coexist within the complex relationship between district systems and negotiations.

Who Does the New Evaluation System Cover?

Classroom Teachers
The new evaluation system is designed for “classroom teachers.” Classroom teachers include physical education, art, music, and special education teachers. Librarians and instructional coaches can possibly be included, but ESAs (school counselors, speech language pathologists, nurses, therapists, etc) are not currently included in the new evaluation. However, ESAs, Teacher-Librarians, and Instructional Coaches who provide academically-focused instruction to students may be considered in the new evaluation system.

Principals and Assistant Principals
The new evaluation system is designed for certificated principals and assistant principals.

Framework and Rubrics

What is an Instructional or Leadership Framework?

An instructional or leadership framework provides a common language and vision of quality teaching/leading shared by everyone in the district and aligned to the eight principal and teacher criteria created by E2SSB 6696.

“Principals and teachers use the common language of instruction/leadership to:

  • converse about effective teaching,
  • give and receive feedback, and
  • collect and act upon data to monitor growth.

-Adapted from Marzano’s definition from “Creating an Aligned System”

Frameworks and ESSB 5895

Section (2)(e) of ESSB 5895 states:

(e) By September 1, 2012, the superintendent of public instruction shall identify up to three preferred instructional frameworks that support the revised evaluation system. The instructional frameworks shall be research-based and establish definitions or rubrics for each of the four summative performance ratings for each evaluation criteria. Each school district must adopt one of the preferred instructional frameworks and post the selection on the district’s web site. The superintendent of public instruction shall establish a process for approving minor modifications or adaptations to a preferred instructional framework that may be proposed by a school district.

Instructional Frameworks

The three state approved instructional frameworks are:

CEL 5D+ Teacher Evaluation Rubric 2.0
Research based on University of Washington work, classroom practice, and principal observation.

Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching (2011)
Research based on classroom-based observations, theorizing teaching practice, MET project study, focus group feedback, and crosswalk with student assessment.

Marzano’s Teacher Evaluation Model
Research based on meta-analysis, control studies, correlation studies, focus group feedback, and observations.

Leadership Frameworks

OSPI has adopted two leadership frameworks for the new evaluation system.

The AWSP Leadership Framework
The AWSP Leadership Framework was developed in conjunction with the eight state criteria and has been used by nearly all of the pilot sites and our RIG districts.

Marzano School Leadership Evaluation Model.
The Marzano School Leadership Evaluation Model is based on in-depth research and an extensive review of contemporary literature in school administrator leadership.

Coulee-Hartline's Frameworks


Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching (2011)


The AWSP Leadership Framework
The AWSP Leadership Framework was developed in conjunction with the eight state criteria and has been used by nearly all of the pilot sites and our RIG districts.